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Too soon oldt,

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Old November 18th 20, 02:31 PM posted to rec.bicycles.misc
Joy Beeson
external usenet poster
Posts: 1,638
Default Too soon oldt,

Many years ago, a shoe salesman showed my sister that stretch socks
are much more comfortable if you pinch the fabric at the end of the
big toe, stretch it way out, and let it spring back before putting on
your shoes.

It wasn't until this morning that I generalized that to stretch
tights. While sitting on the bed, I pinched the knees of my poyester
tights, stretched them way out, let them spring back, and now the
tights fit much better.

I'm making the dump tour with two stops clipped off because of the
plague. Luckily, Goodwill, where I can leave stuff on the doorstep,
is the farthest out.

Five whole miles, big whoop. But I can't go on a long ride anyway,
because the places within reach are all scabbed over with housing
developments and there are no bushes or cornfields.

And cornfields have been much too dense to enter ever since fertilizer
makers figured out how to innoculate corn. I doubt that it's done the
same way Dad innoculated soybeans. I wonder whether BioProven is a
black powder?

joy beeson at centurylink dot net
The above message is a Usenet post.


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